As the dust settles on Labour’s first Budget in 14 years, we look at the impact for businesses, in particular single directors’ of limited companies.
The biggest budget announcement related to employers National Insurance – hitting employers hard with a double whammy:
1.2% increase in employer’s National Insurance contributions (NICs) and
Lowering the secondary threshold (ST) which means employers will start to pay NICs on employees earnings from £5,000 instead of the current £9,100 threshold.
However, the Employment Allowance (EA) will be increasing from £5,000 to £10,500 which will help offset some of the additional costs – for some employers but not all.
Sole Directors of Limited Companies
A company with only one employee paid above the Class 1 National Insurance Secondary Threshold, where that employee is also a director of the company are specifically excluded from claiming the employment allowance.
Whilst this has always been the case (and seems somewhat outdated considering the reduction in the dividend allowance in recent years,) it does mean that sole directors will face additional NIC costs.
Example of a Director’s salary in 2024-2025
In 2024, for a single director working through their own limited company, the most common annual salary was typically £9,100 or £12,570.
A salary of £9,100 did not attract any Employers’ National Insurance because it was below the secondary threshold. The salary also suffered no employee tax or National Insurance contributions and secured a pension credit for the director, as if it had been paid and securing a qualifying year towards the state pension.
What will be the optimum director’s salary in 2025/26?
We anticipate that for the 2025/26 tax year, sole Director Companies (with no employees) will choose between:
A salary of £12,570, achieving the most efficient tax savings available and securing a qualifying pension year, or
Lower salary, not achieving full tax savings and forfeiting a qualifying year, or
No salary, reducing administrative costs and forfeiting a qualifying year.
A salary of £6,000 would incur an Employers NI liability of £150 but it is too low to qualify for the state pension credit because earnings need to be equivalent to the National Insurance Lower Earnings Limit (LEL) (£533 per month 24/25 and £542 25/26).
However, a £6,000 salary + £150 Employers NI would save corporation tax of 19% = £1,169.
If you were to take £6,000 as dividends rather than a salary, the personal tax would be £481 based on the basic dividend rate of 8.75%.
Alternatively, employing an additional staff member could make the business eligible for the Employment Allowance, offsetting Employer NI costs.
There is no definitive answer as to what the best optimum salary for a limited company director is. It will depend on your personal situation, business position, personal priorities and overall tax position.
For company directors with employees (who can claim the Employers Allowance) the optimum salary will usually be £12,570.
What about larger companies?
Let’s look at a larger business who employs 150 workers paying them an average salary of £38,000 per year.
This example highlights the real impact of the Employers’ National Insurance changes with a clear illustration of how the government expects to raise extra revenue.
150 employees x £38,000 = £5,700,000
2024 Employers NIC x 13.8% = £598,230
The company is not eligible to claim the Employment Allowance as it’s Employers NICs exceeds £100,000.
In 2025, with the same number of employees and the same pay rate, the business will be eligible for the Employer’s Allowance due to the removal of the £100,000 cap.
150 employees x £38,000 = £5,700,000
2025 Employers NIC x 15% = £742,250
Less Employers Annual Allowance = £10,500
Total Employers NIC = £732,000
This employer will pay an additional £133,770 in NICs each year (22%) which is a very significant additional tax burden.
How Can I Prepare for the Employers National Insurance Increase?
Adapting to these new additional costs will require thoughtful adjustments to business strategies.
Here are some proactive steps you can take:
Review Payroll Budgets: Businesses should reassess their payroll budgets to account for the higher NI rate and the lowered threshold. By factoring in these changes early, businesses can better prepare for their financial impact. The National Minimum Wage increase should also be considered, where applicable.
Optimise Workforce Planning: Employers may consider restructuring roles or adjusting part-time and flexible work arrangements to manage costs effectively. Prioritising efficiency within the workforce and identifying ways to improve productivity could help offset some of the increased NI expenses.
Consider Salary Sacrifice Schemes: Some companies may explore tax-efficient remuneration options like salary sacrifice schemes, where employees opt to exchange part of their salary for non-cash benefits, reducing the NI liabilities for both employers and employees.
National Minimum Wage
The 6.7% increase in the National Minimum Wage from April 2025 will have a significant impact on employers.
The National Living Wage will increase to £12.21 from 1st April 2025, for employees aged 21 and above.
The National Minimum Wage rate for employees aged 18-20 will increase to £10.00.
The National Minimum Wage rate for employees aged 16-17 will increase to £7.55.
The National Minimum Wage rate for apprentices will increase to £7.55.
There were other announcements that will impact business owners that we have not covered in this blog. For your free Budget Report and complimentary personalised NIC projection, please call 01386 366741 or email us here